Your First Naturopath Visit

  • Tara Andresen


Your First Naturopath Visit – What To Expect

Dr. Andresen will work hard to get to the root of your healthcare concerns. At NDcare, your first Naturopathic consult includes both your first & second visits.

At your first of those two visits, you will receive a thorough healthcare assessment and physical exam. Lab test results may be requested from another doctor or requested by Dr. Andresen. You can also expect to receive preliminary treatment recommendations to get you started on your journey to feeling better.

Your second visit is called your Report of Findings. This session is where your lab results and other findings will be reviewed and discussed with you in addition to tailoring a specific comprehensive treatment to your individual needs aimed at getting you better once and for all. Dr. Andresen’s recommendations are always based on the best available research and her 12 years of clinical experience.

Dr. Andresen understands that health issues can be very stressful on so many areas of your life. We approach you and your health from two principles:

  1. help you feel better as quickly as possible;
  2. recognize that lasting and sustainable health is a process that takes time.

She will be with you every step of the way, ensuring that you completely understand the treatment process so that you can start feeling better.

Book your appointment with Dr. Tara Andresen at one of our conveniently-located Toronto naturopath clinics.

Questions? Complete our short form or give us a call, we’d love to hear from you!

